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  2. Cricklade Museum
  3. Cricklade Museum

Cricklade Museum

16 Calcutt Street, Cricklade


Built in 1852 as a Baptist Chapel, then used as a WVS Canteen in the second world war, later used as a Roman Catholic Church and since 1985 it has been in use as the Town Museum, run and cared for by volunteers of Cricklade Historical Society.

The Museum is open Saturdays 10am -12 noon, and most Wednesdays 2-4 pm in the Spring and Summer.

"For a small space it does hold allot of information about families, businesses, tools, coins, pottery and photos of Cricklade", and can be a useful source of family ancestry. "The staff are very knowledgeable and eager to help". And of course, it is FREE! Although a donation would be greatly appreciated.

Now turn right and head back towards the High Street, on your left you will see a very large building with tall walls, this is the Manor.